what's what?

One day, little Tommy, bored out of his mind, went to his father for suggestions on what to do to pass the time. "I'll tell you what," said the father, "take this dollar and run into town and get me a dollars worth of what's what."

Tommy grabbed the dollar, hopped on his bike and rode into town. Once there, he had to decide what store would have the what's what.

He stopped in front of the pharmacy and went in. He went to the pharmacist's desk, held up the dollar and said, "I'd like a dollar's worth of what's what, please."

The pharmacist knew immediately that the boy was on a wild goose chase and said, "If you go across the street, to the house with the red light on the front porch, they can get you some what's what."

Tommy ran across the street and knocked on the front door. A tall, stunning blonde, completely naked, opened the door. Her pussy was right in little Tommy's face.

Pointing to it he said, "what's that?"

"What's what?" the whore replied.

"Good, I'll take a dollar's worth."

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