the Pianist

There was a bar with a sign that read "Pianist Wanted." A guy walks in there and says "I'm here for the pianist job."

The owner says "Well, play us a tune and if you're good enough then you've got the job." He sits down and plays a song that nearly puts the owner in tears."Oh, what a great song! What's it called?" the manager asks.

"It's called, the dog with 2 dicks and my wife's doin my brother!"

"Um, that's strange but play us one more tune." The man plays another tune and this
time the manager breaks down with tears. "What do you call that song?" he sheepishly asks.

"The frog takin a shit and the camel with 3 humps!" he replies.

The manager told him that he had the job on one condition: he must not tell the customers
the names of the songs he is playing. He started that playing that night. After every song he would get a standing ovation.

After about 2 hours he stood up and said "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to take a quick break and I will return in a few moments." So he ducked into the toilets to take a slash.

On his way out a man passing said "Hey, do you know your zips undone and your cocks hangin out!"
The Pianist replies "know it, I wrote it!"

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